Thursday, September 6, 2012

Sower and the Seeds

Not only has the parable of the sower and seeds become one of our favorite stories it has really impacted our lives and has introduced my kids to the parables of Jesus. I am always excited when they latch onto a set of scripture stories or versus, makes scripture study memorable and fun.

The parable can be found in Mark 4: 3-9

#1 When I introduced them to it the first time I just read from the scriptures. I was surprised when the the next day they could remember find details about the story. I actually thought they weren't listening when I told them.

#2 Then we began to tell them the story in 4 parts, where the seeds landed. I would say, "Some fell by the wayside. What happened to those seeds?" And then one of them would answer and finish that part of the story.

#3 Then one day we used the parable for a math lesson. I had four pieces of paper on the floor. Each of the boys were assigned a soil. They went out into the yard and gathered rocks, thorns and dirt. Then we threw jelly beans on the soils. Counting them up and then subtracting the ones that didn't grow and so forth.

#4 Then one morning we went through the story telling process again. Afterward I told them I had a fun activity to share with them. It honestly had nothing to do with the parable, but out loud my son exclaims, "I know what we are going to do. We are going to plant seeds in the different soils!" He was so excited. And of course I went along with it! It was a blast until the heavy clay soil was all we could find in the garden. Indy, of course, said, "That is not good soil." And he was right. Our seeds did not grow.

#5 On one occasion we found a youtube video of it. The kids loved it and ask for it often.

#6 But the time that has touched me the most was this past Tuesday. I have made a point, especially with this parable to not tell the kids the meaning of it. I figure they have a lifetime to learn it, why not just enjoy it now and let them come to the understanding on their own. Well, Tuesday brought one of our kids that much closer to the meaning.

We were on the way home from a great grocery trip. Indy tells me that he wants to use his jelly beans to teach the story of the sower and seeds when we get home. We had yet to share it with his dad so I thought this would be a great idea. But somewhere in between the grocery trip and the scripture lesson he got mad about something. So when we were assigning soils he quickly spoke up and said, "I want to be the thorns, because they are bad."

I had to laugh because everyone always wants to be the good soil. Well, we went forth with the lesson. He was the thorns, Rocket was the rocks and R2 was the good soil and Pixie was the wayside. It was cute because like a little bird she quickly snatched up and ate her portion. When it came to the good soil and it mentioned that they multiplied, we continued to throw more seeds on the soil. You can only image the rage my little thorn had.

When we had a quiet moment I held him close and told him that like the seeds that fell on thorns that started to grow quickly he had been prompted to have this scripture with the family, but like it can happen if we aren't careful our hearts can have thorns in them that will choke the spirit away.

Even if he doesn't remember my words, I am still so impressed that for children these stories are somewhat easy to understand. There is a reason they all wanted to be the good soil, even before they understood that it got more jelly beans and a reason that when Indy was feeling bad that he related more to the thorns that would choke the seeds. Without any explanation they got it. Neat, right?

So we will continue with the parables. We reviewed the Lost Sheep tonight. And again, while I don't give them the meaning, may their eyes see and their ears hear like they are already are.

 3 Hearken; Behold, there went out a sower to sow:

 4 And it came to pass, as he sowed, some fell by the way side, and the fowls of the air came and devoured it up.

 5 And some fell on stony ground, where it had not much earth; and immediately it sprang up, because it had no depth of earth:

 6 But when the sun was up, it was scorched; and because it had no root, it withered away.

 7 And some fell among thorns, and the thorns grew up, and choked it, and it yielded no fruit.

 8 And other fell on good ground, and did yield fruit that sprang up and increased; and brought forth, some thirty, and some sixty, and some an hundred.

 9 And he said unto them, He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Creation

Over the past few weeks we have been reading... and re-reading the first chapter of Genesis. The kids actually really like the audio version... I think they think it sounds like Harry Potter with the english accent the man reads with:) Can't say I mind.

We never made an effort to memorize any of the scriptures, just made it fun to read and through the course of a few weeks they have personally memorized the first four verses.

It is actually a great scripture for new readers because most of the words are simple and repetitive, giving them a basis for learning new words.

We have been taking our time with these scriptures since they provide a rich curriculum to base our studies on. Of course nothing is that structured in our house and really it just gives us another thing to explore and play with.

Here was our exploration of the words "divided" and things that are "without form." We played with a combination of oil and balsamic vinegar; and we also played with cornstarch, water and vinegar.

I didn't talk much about what we were playing with. Just answered questions and asked a few open ended ones that they didn't really answer. What I love is that now I hear them thinking out loud about things that "separate" since the oil and vinegar separated rather than divided. But it is sweet to hear them thinking and analyzing the world around them in a new light:)

Here are some pictures of the mess they "created" hehe! My house smelled like Easter gone bad but the boys all had a ton of fun.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Why Do We Read Scriptures?

Sometimes I have had to remind my kids why we read scriptures. They like to forget;) Actually they have come to the conclusion many times that it is some sort of check list item that once they are done they can go on with the rest of the their day and not think about it. So we are working on that!

Doing my best to explain it simply I reminded them of a scripture they have memorized:

John 14:15

"If ye love me, keep my commandments."

And while reading the scriptures isn't necessarily one of the 10 commandments it has been asked of us by the prophets to read them regularly making it a commandment. So we read them because we love God.

There are so many other reasons why (o receive guidance, comfort, strength and answers) but they will learn those in time. And this is probably the most important reason why we do it anyway:)

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Study vs Just Reading

Often with scripture study the kids will listen as we read, but as soon as the verse, chapter or video is done they quickly run away and want to go play. It's always a little disheartening that they don't want to sit around and just ponder or ask questions about the scriptures like I would... Hahaha!

Well, the other day I finally had to explain that while it is good to merely read the scriptures it is far better to study them. To feast, rather than nibble. So in other words... don't run away just yet! :)

But how do you explain the difference to a 6, 5 and 2 year old? Well, we are just focusing on the 6 year old for now. Fortunately he actually had a discussion about this with me. He listens to me?? Crazy!

Well, after discussing it for a few minutes he came to the conclusion that to study is to ask questions afterward. To think of ways to use the scriptures in our lives and live them. Sounds good to me!

For example: We listened to a talk on missionary work. Afterward we reviewed the three things that the speaker said we needed to prepare to take on a mission. I was surprised that he actually was pretty close in his answers to what the speaker had said. Then I asked more generally how we could prepare for the mission each day while we are young. He thought about it and then answered, "I need to learn to read." A very helpful skill for sharing the gospel for sure:) And he has learned a lot by "just" the scriptures each day. I mean we don't do sit down reading lessons and some how he has taught himself. So "just" reading is good too. Glad we got that straight;) jk!

So take the time to help your kids distinguish between just reading and actually studying. Ask them what they think it means and go with that definition for a while until they mature and have a better understanding. They will feel so good about it and stay more accountable for sure!

So excited for all the ideas that have been flowing to my mind on how to better study the scriptures with our kids! This is going to be great!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

First Thing in the Morning

Some times the best time to do scripture study with the kids is first thing in the morning; even before you get out of bed, let your little guys climb right in... if they haven't already snuck in during the night, like mine usually have;) It's the perfect time to grab your bedside copy or phone and snuggle for bit to some great wisdom that will start the day of right!

We don't do this all the time but this morning was a lazy one for us. Since my husband has been out of town I have let my boys sleep in my room. So as soon as the sun started rising we were up. And since we were all together already in the same room I just called everyone over onto my bed for scripture study. There was some protesting since some just wanted to get a start on the day already and head down stairs. But I love doing scriptures this way, and hey, I'm the mom and hate to get out of bed. Besides we can cuddle while we do it:)

This morning I looked up the scriptures in my LDS Scripture phone app. There are others that are free or cheaper, I believe, but I really like this one. Feeling like I should look at our scripture mastery scriptures I opened that up. I then remembered I had a category of saved scriptures that I wanted to share with the kids. When I opened it up there was actually just one! Matt 5:44... perfect. With three little boys and three big personalities there can be a lot of conflict in our house. And having had to deal with bullying issues in the past with neighbor kids this was a good scripture for them for sure.

We actually just focused on the first verse. Short and simple, right?  I hope to be able to build on it with the next verse over the next few days. 

With this verse, I read it once out loud and then had them repeat it with me. Then my oldest read the words that he could. He actually picked a stopping point in the middle of the scripture. I'm guessing he took a look at the rest of the words and knew he wouldn't know how to read them or something. But I didn't push it, because the first part was what I wanted him to focus on anyway.

Matthew 5:44
44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;
 45 That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Morning and Night Scripture Study

One of the best things we have done for our family has been to do scripture study both morning and night. I remember hearing some speaker comment how doing occasional scripture study, with today's temptations and trials, would not give us the spiritual strength that we, along with our children, would need. And so we decided that we would take the counsel and run with it. And what a blessing it has been!

First of all, we all know that young children have a super short attention span. So, doing it both morning and night, I felt like we could do two short lessons instead of one long one. And it has worked out wonderfully! Of course, there is nothing wrong with doing just one short lesson either, but there are benefits to two for sure.

If your mornings are rushed like mine are so many days, then doing a quick short study is probably all you're going to have time for. We still like to do it so that it sets a tone for the day. If this is the case then just make the effort to do something more meaningful at night.

But if your children are still young or you have a late start school schedule or are on a school break then you may find that you are able to take your time studying the scriptures during breakfast, before or after. This is great because then you can do a short quick lesson or review at bedtime and have more time to wrestle with the kids getting their teeth brushed and Pj's on;) Or more time to read a favorite bedtime story. It's great.

The good news is that if you aim to do it twice a day and one day comes along that is particularly busy, and we all know it will, odds are that you will still be able to find one time that works out for you.

But what I have come to love most about doing scripture study twice a day with the kids is that over time they have taken responsibility for the morning study. They know that before they do anything else they should do scripture study. There are have been times when we have forgotten and they have reminded us. I have been so surprised that at such a young age they have adopted the morning as their personal scripture study time, whereas, bedtime is a definite family study time. They even do it many days without our help or instruction.

Of course, if it seems overwhelming to do it morning and night, just do it once a day, but maybe you can vary the time you do it to find what works best for your children and each individual child. Every family is different and every child is different. The point is just to do it when they are young so they develop a habit and love for the scriptures.

Happy reading!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Memorizing Scriptures

One of the most surprising things I have learned is that a young a child can start memorizing scriptures even before they can speak. And how quickly they can do so. All it takes is a little fun and repetition:) And what's more is that they love to do it!

One of my sons was barely 12 months old when he started doing the hand movements along with his older brothers. He would get so excited every time we said them out loud that he would want us to do it over and over and over again. So, the first tip I have to share has never been a problem;)

Here's a list that has worked for our kids (hopefully yours too!)

Repetition... repetition... repetition!
Say it each night for one month or so. Then pick a new one when you feel like they have learned it well enough. Even if they don't know it that well you can move on and come back to it another time.

Make up hand and body movements
The more signs you can make up to go with the verse the better. This really helps the younger ones learn! When my oldest was 2 and could talk and say the scriptures out loud that he memorized I thought that was young. But now I know that even at 12 months they can do the signs and "do" the scriptures along with their older siblings:) Again, maybe they don't know what it all means but they are a part of the scripture fun for sure!

Say scriptures out loud that you have memorized
Some nights instead of reading a story we will just say a scripture out loud that we ourselves have memorized... usually in the dark when they are laying still. One of our favorites was Helaman 5:12. It is a long one and I never thought they would memorize it all. But one day I thought I would start it and see if anyone could finish it. To my surprise my 5 year old had just about the whole thing memorized. So just saying one out loud and having them become familiar with it, they might surprise you too!

Record it on video
Some kids love to perform and be recorded. More than that they love watching themselves over and over:) Most laptops these days have a camera and make it easy to record and playback. It might even be fun for them to send a video to Grandma and Grandpa or a an aunt or uncle. Tell them they are being missionaries also! I will post some videos soon if they kids will give me their permission.

Some of the ones that our kids have memorized are:
(I've bolded the parts that we've memorized)

1 Nephi 3:7
And it came to pass that I, Nephi, said unto my father: I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them.

Isaiah 12:2
Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid: for the Lord JEHOVAH is my strength and my song; he also is become my salvation.

Article of Faith 1
We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost.

Article of Faith 4
We believe that the first principles and ordinances of the Gospel are: first, Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; second, Repentance; third, Baptism by immersion for the remission of sins; fourth, Laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost.

Article of Faith 13
We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul—We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things.

Doc & Cov 84:88
And whoso receiveth you, there I will be also, for I will go before your face. I will be on your right hand and on your left, and my Spirit shall be in your hearts, and mine angels round about you, to bear you up.

And here is a quote from Elder Scott from this last General Conference about memorizing scriptures:

"Great power can come from memorizing scriptures. To memorize a scripture is to forge a new friendship. It is like discovering a new individual who can help in time of need, give inspiration and comfort, and be a source of motivation for needed change."

I know this principle to be true. It has been fun to memorize scriptures with our kids and to memorize them for ourselves. It has helped in church when they are asked to share a scripture with their primary. It is also neat when a speaker reads a scripture out loud that they know; they instantly look up and pay attention because they are familiar with it. A definite plus for anyone who has a hard time like we do during church and keeping their attention!

So give it a try! Let me know how it goes! Also, if you are stumped on the hand movements, give me a shout and I will help you come up with something fun!